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  • gloriag

Detox from Social Media

Have you been finding that instead of being an escape and entertainment, that social media has actually been a source of stress and anxiety? Well, so have I. The world seems polarized - between COVID and the election, the negativity is thick and oppressive.

COVID is a beast and unfortunately, no one knows the best way to manage the pandemic. The experts do their best but it seems they still fall short. It's no one's fault - they do not know how a novel virus will behave until it does. Sadly, the country is polarized on whether or not to wear a cloth face covering.

I have learned to be more careful about what groups and individuals I follow trying to keep them healthcare-based since that is my profession. Somehow, it ends up becoming political and or nasty. I ended up moving my bubble of social media apps from the homepage of my phone. It enables me to spend less time on social media. Since doing so, I have found less stress and agitation. Have you had similar experiences? How do you control the negativity that social media brings into your life?



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